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Giuseppe Marconi Fund

This small fund consists of only one set, “Correspondence”, made up of the transcription of 15 letters sent, from London, from Guglielmo Marconi to his father Giuseppe. The transcriptions of these letters are also preserved at the Accademia dei Lincei, Rome (Marconi Archive, Part I: Guglielmo Marconi Papers, series VII, box 35, “Transcription of 15 letters of GM to his father, 1896-1899, sent from C.A. Ferrari of Valbona in 1974”). The originals of thirteen of these letters belong to the Henry Willar Lende Collection (San Antonio, Texas).

The Fund was found within the Guglielmo Marconi Foundation Archive when it was being reorganized. Most likely it was given to the Marconi Foundation during the 80's by Professor Giorgio Tabarroni.

Giancarlo dalle Donne has edited the Fund's inventory. pdf_button






















David Sarnoffsarnoff

Marconi was the creator of the present day civilization of the radio. All of those who, with spirit of initiative and perseverance, have brought us to the present stage of development have built on the foundations laid by Marconi. Everyone considered him the tutelary genius of their work.



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