From May 24th to May 27th the ninth edition of RADIO DAYS took place in Sasso Marconi. An event dedicated to Gugliemo Marconi and all that was generated from his brilliant intuitions over the course of more than a century. The national conference “WIRELESS TECHNOLOGIES IN THE FIGHT AGAINST THE DIGITAL DIVIDE – Wireless Communication networks between development opportunities and digital divide” opened the event on May 24th at the Community Theatre in Sasso Marconi. To conclude, on May 27th, an open house was organized at Villa Griffone, where an array of events were hosted inside and outside of the villa.
Science Festival - IXth edition Genoa, Palazzo della Borsa Home, work, travel, health and frontiers – both concrete and abstract – trace the borders for a thematic journey made up of objects, photographs, scenery and suggestive atmosphere through which the story of the “Italian genius” is told. From Marconi to Viterbi, from Barsanti and Matteucci to Giacosa, from Grassi to Rizzolatti… the best of Italian scientific research, which has endowed our society with results, organizational and methodological challenges, new ways of thinking and ultimately a better quality of life, is narrated by giving an account of people's needs, reflected in society and in business, thus recognizing their role as protagonist and as the motor of progress and wellbeing. This exhibition has been conceived and organized by the Italian Cultural Institute of New York and the Rosselli Foundation of Rome in collaboration with the Accademia dei Lincei. After its debut in Genoa, it will be transferred to New York until the end of February 2012 and then tour a few other cities before returning to Italy. The section dedicated to Marconi has been curated by the Guglielmo Marconi Foundation.
Rome, National Research Council Showing of the film IL COLPO by Raffaele Manco. Round table discussion to follow with Francesco Cremona (Telecommunications Museum, Colleferro), Marco Ferrazzoli (Head of CNR Press Office), Giovanni Paoloni (La Sapienza University, Rome), Barbara Valotti (Marconi Museum, Pontecchio) and Elettra Marconi Giovanelli. Moderated by Emanuela Ronzitti and Mario Masi. The event wa sponsored by the National Research Council.
Centro Congressi Fontana di Trevi, Rome The Estel Conference is the International Conference on Space and Satellite Telecommunications organized for the first time in Europe by IEEE (the world’s largest non-profit professional association for the promotion of technological innovation in the electric and electronic engineering sector), AESS (Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, one of the 38 societies of IEEE), ESOA (European Satellite Operator’s Association) and in collaboration with SAT EXPO (Expo-Forum on Satellite and Advanced Telecommunications). The Guglielmo Marconi Foundation is partner in this initiative.
BergamoScienza – VII edition Ex Ateneo, Bergamo Alta «How did we end up inside the tv?» ask Phineas and Ferb, the two cute protagonists of the homonymous cartoon series broadcast on the Disney Channel. Led by Guglielmo Marconi, they undertake a temporal journey from the wireless telegraph to satellite television. An interactive voyage that allows one to understand, through simple experiments, how voices and images can transform themselves into electrical signals, transmitting and reassembling themselves inside the television set. This exhibition has been conceived and sponsored by The Walt Disney Company Italia in collaboration with the Guglielmo Marconi Foundation and the technical support of ZonaUno.
Pontecchio, Villa Griffone “Marconi day” autumn edition, to commemorate the day dedicated to Marconi in the United States in 1933. Opening speeches by Gabriele Falciasecca (President of the Marconi Foundation) and Stefano Mazzetti (Mayor of Sasso Marconi). Account given by Gabriele Falciasecca regarding news and initiatives of the Marconi Foundation. Sneak preview of the short film "Il colpo" by Raffaele Manco, produced by Eurovideo. Discussion with the director Raffaele Manco and other participants of the film.
Bologna, via Manzoni (Civic Medieval Museum - San Filippo Neri Oratory) Punto10 - Lessons on the anniversaries of the 1900's A series of panels recall three decades (1910 - 1920 - 1930) that coincide with the “first times” of Marconi's inventions: discovery of shadow zone in the high seas, broadcasting, intercontinental distance command.
An initiative of the program of the ninth edition of the International Festival of History was held at Villa Griffone: the lecture-debate “Guglielmo Marconi between history and legend”. Marconi’s scientific legacy has been discussed focusing on recent investigations about Marconi’s early education, the maritime use of his invention (one hundred years after the Titanic tragedy), the historical analysis and interpretation. Speakers: Gabriele Falciasecca, Barbara Valotti, Giancarlo Dalle Donne. |
Sabato 1° e domenica 2 giugno, ore 9-13 circa, Parco di Villa Griffone: attivazione di una stazione radio in prossimità della porzione dello yacht Elettra, con utilizzo del nominativo speciale II4BTK, in occasione del radiocollegamento internazionale “Museum Ships Weekend Event”. A cura di A.R.I. Fidenza, con il patrocinio di Fondazione Marconi e la partecipazione del team di operatori Y4FGM della Sezione A.R.I. di Bologna.programma |
“The conquest of distance” is the expression used to remember the amazing escalation of the young Marconi who, in only six years, and always through his personal experimentation, extended the radio telegraphic distance from the 2 kilometers of Villa Griffone, in 1895, to the 3.400 kilometers that separates the two shores of the Atlantic, in 1901.To such escalation is dedicated a contest of ideas for developing an Apple and/or Android application, announced by the Marconi Foundation and the Marconi Institute for Creativity.Three projects were chosen: the first presented by Luca Contato, Alessandro Di Lecce and Daniela Arienti; the second by Massimo Divito and Valerio De Felice; and the third by Matteo Gabella.The winning app is now available on Google play.Guglielmo Marconi: Progetto "S" |
Da giovedì 23 a domenica 26 maggio, Sasso Marconi (BO): "Marconi Radio Days", rassegna che ricorda le intuizioni di Guglielmo Marconi, i luoghi delle sue prime scoperte, le tecnologie e i linguaggi della comunicazione, giunta alla X edizione. Tra i numerosi appuntamenti: il convegno "Emittenza locale tra switch-off e terremoto", la diiretta da Sasso Marconi della trasmissione Fahrenheit di Radio3 Rai. il premio Città di Sasso Marconi. Gran galà conclusivo a Villa Griffone, domenica 26 maggio, a partire dalle 16.30. |
Dal 16 aprile al 19 maggio, spazio espositivo "ex Macello", Padova: dodicesima edizione di "Sperimentando", mostra interattiva di esperimenti di fisica e chimica e di osservazioni di scienze naturali e biologiche. L'edizione di quest'anno ha per titolo "Un mondo di suoni e di onde" e comprende una sezione dedicata a Marconi, a cura della Fondazione Marconi, che ha anche prestato alla mostra il detector magnetico Marconi. |
On January 19th at 5:00 p.m., in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Engineering (Viale del Risorgimento, 2), a conference will be hosted to present the book “History of Telecommunications”. The faculty of engineering, in collaboration with CIRESS (interdepartmental centre “Federigo Enriques”), continues the cycle of conferences, which have the objective not only to describe the historical development of various disciplines of faculty but also to present the future developments.
The conference are addressed to those who participate in the life of the faculty and are opened to those who nourish cultural curiosity about the role that the engineer had and has in the society.
© 2013 - Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi - Villa Griffone - via Celestini 1 - 40037 Pontecchio Marconi (BO) - C.F 80063250379