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Marconi Museum

visits: Sunday at 10 am
working days on reservation
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For nearly 40 years – between 1896 to 1937, the year of his death – Guglielmo Marconi's activity was a constant subject of reports and editorials in the press – in Italy, in the United Kingdom and in the rest of the world.

The Marconi Foundation has made a complete list of the articles published on Marconi (while he was still alive) by three national newspapers:

Il Resto del Carlino  pdf_button

L'Illustrazione Italiana  pdf_button

La Domenica del Corriere  pdf_button


Collaborators and supporters of the research: Poligrafici Editoriale SpA, Biblioteca Comunale dell'Archiginnasio di Bologna, Fondazione della Cassa di Risparmio di Bologna, Biblioteca-Archivio "Vittorio Bobbato" della Provincia di Pesaro Urbino.



NB: it is possible to see and consult the articles on Archive / Online documents














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