For years the Guglielmo Marconi Foundation has been involved in a rich program of historical-scientific exhibitions dedicated to the history of radiocommunications. This kind of activity has been undertaken in collaboration with the Consortium “Science of Magic?”, a work team, among the first in Italy, to bring exhibitions with a scientific content and a distinct interactive character on tour.
In recent years, the staff of the Marconi Museum has collaborated in numerous initiatives presented in various Italian and foreign cities. Among these, we wish to point out the exhibition Marconi the genius the future set up between December 2003 and March 2004 in the Palazzo di Re Enzo e del Podestà in collaboration with the Bologna city hall, and the exhibition 1901-2001 Marconi’s Transatlantic Challenge. The Birth of Long Distance Wireless Communication . This latter event, produced entirely by the Marconi Museum thanks to the economic and organizational support of the council office for the Arts of the Emilia-Romagna Region, was presented at the ISCI in Montreal in August 2001 and successively went on tour in Toronto, Vancouver, New York, Hamilton and Thunder Bay.
Between December 2009 and January 2010, in occasion of the centenary of the Nobel Prize for Physics awarded to Guglielmo Marconi, the exhibition Guglielmo Marconi Nobel Prize Winner 1909-2009 , sponsored by the Emilia-Romagna Region, the National Committee for the Marconi Nobel Prize Centenary and the Bologna city hall, was held in the Palazzo d'Accursio in Bologna.
During the year of the Centenary, a light and manageable exhibition entitled Guglielmo Marconi: the Wireless Pioneer was shown, changing format to best suit the needs of each space, in many Italian cities (San Remo, Candelo, Pavia, Cattolica etc.) and in numerous cultural centers and Italian embassies abroad (Budapest, Lisbon, Vilnius, Mar del Plata and many others).
In October 2010, in occasion of BergamoScienza, the exhibition From Marconi to cartoons was organized at the ex Ateneo in Bergamo Alta, in collaboration with Walt Disney Television Italia.
In October-November 2011, another prestigious event – Genoa's “Science Festival” – presented the exhibition 150 years of Italian genius – Innovations that change the world, which focuses on scientists who lived and worked in a unified Italy and, naturally, among these, there is a section dedicated to Guglielmo Marconi. Conceived and organized by the Italian Cultural Institute of New York and the Rosselli Foundation of Rome in collaboration with the Accademia dei Lincei, the exhibition also benefitted from a historical-technical consultancy from the Marconi Foundation. 
Of August 2012 is the marconian exhibition promoted by Golfo Aranci Town Hall in collaboration with Olbia ARI association, and organized by the Marconi Foundation.
Between February and May 2015, ITU (the International Telecommunication Union) has hosted in its prestigious seat of Geneva the bilingual exhibition Guglielmo Marconi: le pionnier de la transmission sans fil / the wireless pioneer, organized and edited by the Marconi Foundation, with the support of Ugo Bordoni Foundation and Rai Way. 
In occasion of the 2015 EXPO in Milan, in the first couple of days a Marconi location was activated in Piazzetta Italia. 