This area includes those aspects linked to radio access and traffic handling for various types of systems, including:
The Marconi Foundation participates in ALMA, Bologna's Graduate School of Information Technology, Management and Communication established as a consortium between the University of Bologna, the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna, the G. Marconi Foundation (founding members) and the Profingest Management School. Created in the year 2000, Alma quickly became a point of reference in executive education, characterizing itself for its interdisciplinary orientation, integration with the business world, and international projection. Alma develops its own training programs that account for various typologies: from full-time or part-time Master degrees (for both newly graduated students and those wishing to follow postgraduate studies during their employment), to innovative e-learning services and even special projects that include tailor-made training as well as consulting and applied research services. The thematic areas of intervention are essentially three: Communication, Management and Information Technology. The last-mentioned is the one to which the Marconi Foundation makes the greatest contribution, in view of its specific relevance with its own scientific mission. In the year 2010 the Alma Consortium gave life to CITI, Center for Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship, part of the PRRIITT of the Emilia-Romagna Region. CITI's objective is to promote support services for the development of projects relevant to innovation for businesses or groups, both for those that are already established as well as those in start-up phase. In the CITI context, The Marconi Academic Entrepreneurship School has been set up, a project that, based on the concept that entrepreneurship cannot be taught but can be learned, has the goal of analyzing the complex relationships and difficulties of entrepreneurship in an academic setting. The project has been structured around a series of courses and workshops, free of charge, that have been quite successful and will most likely be offered again in 2011. But in addition to the activities conducted within Alma, the Marconi Foundation, aware of the strategic significance in the relationship between the world of research and the world of work and institutionally committed to promoting the exchange of know-how from one to the other, organizes annual cycles of Study Days, dedicated to the most innovative aspects of modern radio technologies, themes that make up the research activity that takes place at Villa Griffone. The Days – held at Villa Giffone and organized in collaboration with the Ugo Bordoni Foundation, the Department of Electronics, Computers and Systematics of the University of Bologna and the Marconi Wireless Consortium – are structured like small conferences, with lectures given by different speakers who have been coordinated by the Foundation. The success recorded in these years shows how this formula, coined by the Foundation many years back, is still very popular and is able to propose subjects of interest in a setting that is able to bring together different typologies of users. |
The research activity is carried out by a group of researchers who are members of the Ugo Bordoni Foundation and of the Department of Ingegneria dell'Energia Elettrica e dell'Informazione "Guglielmo Marconi" (DEI, University of Bologna), and is conducted at Villa Griffone. The area of research includes radio applications, particularly with regard to mobile and personal communication systems and management of the radio-electrical spectrum. Since 1980 research, advanced learning, popularization and national and international scientific meetings in the mobile communications sectors have been carried out at Villa Griffone. Until the end of the 1980’s the original group of researchers at Villa Griffone contributed to defining GSM standards. Since then, collaboration with major research institutes, operators and European manufacturing companies has further continued with its participation in various European projects associated with the RACE program. At the same time, the group took part in the European COST 207 research project, particularly in defining propagation models for land mobile communications. This research continued throughout this project's extensions, successively named COST 231, COST 259, COST 273, COST 2100, COST IC1004 and currently COST CA15104 IRACON ( Today the main areas of research and collaboration with national and international institutions are: prediction models, planning, radio access and environmental impact of radio systems.
Le informazioni presenti su questa pagina sono rese ai sensi del D.Lgs. 14 marzo 2013 dal titolo “Riordino della disciplina riguardante gli obblighi di pubblicità, trasparenza e diffusione di informazioni da parte delle pubbliche amministrazioni”.
Organi di indirizzo La Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi è amministrata da un Presidente e da un Consiglio Direttivo nominati con D.M. del Ministro dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo. Il Presidente ed i membri del Consiglio Direttivo non percepiscono alcun tipo di compenso o indennità. L'attività di controllo è esercitata da due Revisori dei Conti nominati rispettivamente dal Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo e dal Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze. Il Consiglio Direttivo attualmente in carica è stato nominato sulla base dello statuto in vigore sino al 14/02/2014.
Personale Nel conto annuale 2016 sono indicati tutti i dati relativi al personale della Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi: dotazione organica, personale in servizio, retribuzione e altre indennità e costo generale del lavoro. Non sussistono contratti di tipo dirigenziale.
Consulenti e collaboratori Dati riguardanti incarichi di collaborazione o consulenza. La Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi si avvale di contratti di collaborazione e, incarichi occasionali e contratti di lavoro autonomo a favore di esperti di comprovata specializzazione universitaria.
Piano Triennale di Prevenzione della Corruzione 2019-2021 Relazione del responsabile della Prevenzione della Corruzione - Anno 2018
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Francesco Paresce |
Marconi was the right man in the right place at the right time. He was the right man because he had the ideal combination of personal characteristics for the job: persistence, daring, technical ability, charisma and flair for public relations. |
© 2013 - Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi - Villa Griffone - via Celestini 1 - 40037 Pontecchio Marconi (BO) - C.F 80063250379