From the 5th to the 8th of September, at the EXPO in Milan, visiting the little plaza dedicated to Emilia-Romagna, it will be possible to deepen the knowledge of the territory enclosed between the rivers Reno, Lavinio and Samoggia through a workshop, meetings and multi medial means. The districts of Casalecchio di Reno, Monte San Pietro, Sasso Marconi, Valsamoggia and Zola Predosa, with the project VIRTUAL JOURNEY ON THE HILLS BETWEEN BOLOGNA AND MODENA – 4 days between tradition and innovation, they have in fact won the ban launched by the region of Emilia-Romagna to promote the productive, cultural, scientific and tourist system at the 2015 EXPO. In the locations that have been set up for the occasion there will be - courtesy of the Marconi Foundation – an interactive instrument made by Marconi combined to a device belonging to those times, and a banner that remembers the great bolognese inventor.