W GUGLIELMO MARCONI is the first and only radio 'talent',signed “il ruggito del coniglio”, that will allow passionate,curious and various begginers to become proper radio speakers at Radio2. To celebrate the 20 years of the longest-running programme of Radio2, from 24th november, each tuesday, for eight weeks, at the “Ruggito del Coniglio”, the conductors Marco Presta and Antonello Dose will receive, in the studios at Asiago street, two competitors strictly under 35, who are going to challenge each other with various tests during the live radio show :from a radio report of an event by “surprise” to the point-blank commentary of a news reportage.The listeners and the fans will be able to comment on the programme's social networks and decide the winner of the battle between the two competitors, expressing their preferences through the coniglio.rai.it web site. In the Ruggito del Coniglio web site, furthermore, will be available the clips and the stories of all the competitors. During march,after months of challenges on air, Dose and Presta will crown the winner, who will be prized with the involvement of his voice in the Radio2 programmes. A surprise, among the others, is scheduled during the special challenge: Nino Frassica, conductor of “Programmone del Weekend”, will be apart of W Guglielmo Marconi in an unique way. This special guest will confer to the talent show a “crossmedia” aspect all to discover... With W Guglielmo Marconi, dedicated to the famous inventor of the radio, Radio2 has been renewing the ways of fruition to the radio world, bringing ahead the public service's quality, which, through the merit, will allow the most talented participant to crown his dream. podcast Il Ruggito del Coniglio