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September 20th, 2009
Medieval Civic Museum - Saint Filippo Neri Oratory, Bologna

Ten lectures for ten years in the 20th century, all ending in 9. 

All in a day and on a street, via Manzoni at Bologna, where the Medieval Civic Museum and the Saint Filippo Neri Oratory are located, one facing the other.

10am - 1909: birth of Bologna Football Club – by Italo Cucci
11am - 1959: announcement of Vatican Council II – by Alberto Melloni
11am - 1919: launching of the liner-laboratory Elettra - by Gabriele Falciasecca
12pm - 1929: Wall Street crisis – by Ferruccio De Bortoli
2 pm - 1949: the Pope condemning Communism – by Giuseppe Ruggieri
3 pm - 1939: outbreak of the Second World War – by Alberto De Bernardi
3 pm - 1979: Khomeini’s Islamic Revolution – by Filippo Andreatta
4 pm - 1999: death of Fabrizio De André - by Francesco Guccini and Stefano Pivato
5 pm - 1969: the “hot fall” - by Umberto Romagnoli
6 pm - 1989: fall of Berlin’s wall – by Romano Prodi

promoted by the Foundation for Religious Sciences

in cooperation with the Marconi Foundation, Bologna University, Bologna Football Club, Civic Museums of Ancient Art - Bologna City Hall, Corriere della Sera Foundation, Foundation for Peoples Cooperation, Johns Hopkins University, Primo Levi University, Radio Cape Town, Corriere of Bologna




David Sarnoffsarnoff

Marconi was the creator of the present day civilization of the radio. All of those who, with spirit of initiative and perseverance, have brought us to the present stage of development have built on the foundations laid by Marconi. Everyone considered him the tutelary genius of their work.



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