October 8th, 2009 Biagi Auditorium, Sala Borsa, Bologna
The five Young Scholar award winners are: Sébastien Soudan, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon; Marco Papaleo, University of Bologna; Eric Plum, Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC), University of Southampton; Eitan Yaakobi, University of California at San Diego’s Jacobs School of Engineering; and Felix Gutierrez, Jr., University of Texas, Austin.
Rafael Pinaud Laufer - Novel Routing Paradigms for Wireless Multihop Networks Salman Abdul Baset - Peer to Peer Communication Felix Gutierrez, Jr. - 60 GHz Communication: A New Era of Connectivity Marco Papaleo - Packet Level Coding using LDPC Convolutional Codes Eric Plum - Metamaterials: The next photonic revolution Sébastien Soudan - Bandwidth Sharing and Control in High-Speed Networks: Combining Packet and Circuit-Switching Paradigms Eitan Yaakobi - Coding for Flash Memories
October 9th, 2009 San Filippo Neri Oratory, Bologna
This year's Marconi prize goes to Andrew Chraplyvy and Robert Tkach, a pair of Bell Labs scientists whose work on fiber optic nonlinearities led to vastly increased broadband capacity in the world’s communications networks.
Gabriele Falciasecca, Giovanni E. Corazza - Introduction David Payne - Problems Solved and Unsolved Problems in Photonics Herwig Kogelnik - Perspectives on Optical Communications James Massey - Marconi, Shannon and Conventional Wisdom Claude Berrou - Coding and Brain James Flanagan - Parametric Representation of Speech Signals John Cioffi - What would Marconi have thought about DSL? Yash Pal - Keeping alive the spirit for which Gioia Marconi Braga honoured me 29 years ago Romano Volta - A world hearing itself: An Italian midsummer night’s dream Eric Ash - Saving the Planet: ICT and Coal Federico Faggin - Birth and Evolution of the Microprocessor Andrew Viterbi - Foundations of the Digital Wireless World Andrew Chraplyvy - Optical communications - The Past Robert Tkach - Optical communications - The Future
The future of Information and Communication Technology Andrew Chraplyvy, David Forney, Bob Lucky, Robert Tkach, Andrew Viterbi