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Marconi Symposium

October 8th, 2009
Biagi Auditorium, Sala Borsa, Bologna


The five Young Scholar award winners are: Sébastien Soudan, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon; Marco Papaleo, University of Bologna; Eric Plum, Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC), University of Southampton; Eitan Yaakobi, University of California at San Diego’s Jacobs School of Engineering; and Felix Gutierrez, Jr., University of Texas, Austin.

Rafael Pinaud Laufer - Novel Routing Paradigms for Wireless Multihop Networks
Salman Abdul Baset - Peer to Peer Communication
Felix Gutierrez, Jr. - 60 GHz Communication: A New Era of Connectivity
Marco Papaleo - Packet Level Coding using LDPC Convolutional Codes
Eric Plum - Metamaterials: The next photonic revolution
Sébastien Soudan - Bandwidth Sharing and Control in High-Speed Networks: Combining Packet and Circuit-Switching Paradigms
Eitan Yaakobi - Coding for Flash Memories


October 9th, 2009
San Filippo Neri Oratory, Bologna


This year's Marconi prize goes to Andrew Chraplyvy and Robert Tkach, a pair of Bell Labs scientists whose work on fiber optic nonlinearities led to vastly increased broadband capacity in the world’s communications networks.
Gabriele Falciasecca, Giovanni E. Corazza - Introduction
David Payne - Problems Solved and Unsolved Problems in Photonics
Herwig Kogelnik - Perspectives on Optical Communications
James Massey - Marconi, Shannon and Conventional Wisdom
Claude Berrou - Coding and Brain
James Flanagan - Parametric Representation of Speech Signals
John Cioffi - What would Marconi have thought about DSL?
Yash Pal - Keeping alive the spirit for which Gioia Marconi Braga honoured me 29 years ago
Romano Volta - A world hearing itself: An Italian midsummer night’s dream
Eric Ash - Saving the Planet: ICT and Coal
Federico Faggin - Birth and Evolution of the Microprocessor
Andrew Viterbi - Foundations of the Digital Wireless World
Andrew Chraplyvy - Optical communications - The Past
Robert Tkach - Optical communications - The Future

The future of Information and Communication Technology
Andrew Chraplyvy, David Forney, Bob Lucky, Robert Tkach, Andrew Viterbi



David Sarnoffsarnoff

Marconi was the creator of the present day civilization of the radio. All of those who, with spirit of initiative and perseverance, have brought us to the present stage of development have built on the foundations laid by Marconi. Everyone considered him the tutelary genius of their work.



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