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Following Guglielmo Marconi

October 31st, 2009
Great hall of the Montessori–Da Vinci Institute, Porretta Terme (Bologna)

Research and Innovation in the Rhine Valley

  • Guglielmo Marconi: the man and his origins (by Barbara Valotti, Marconi Museum)
  • History of industrialization and innovation in the Upper Rhine territory (by Prof. Renzo Zagnoni, historian)
  • Testimonies of important enterprises which have managed to combine history with innovation and the world of communications:
Marco Palmieri (PiQuadro Spa). Innovation in communications to create a worldwide successful business.
Francesco Papi (Filatura Papi Fabio Spa). 120 years of history. 
Gabriele Pierotti (Metalcastello Spa). World leader in the engineering industry.
Giorgia Vitali (Salumificio Vitali Spa). Innovation to safeguard the environment and nature.
Fabio Falzea (Microsoft Italy). Mobile Communications and innovation.
  • Closing by Gabriele Falciasecca, President of Marconi Foundation
Announcement of the competition “Percorsi marconiani” (“Marconian Paths”), promoted and sponsored by the Lions Club Porretta Terme–High Rhine. The competition is addressed to the students of the Montessori-Da Vinci Institute.

organised by the Lions Club Porretta Terme–High Rhine
in cooperation with the Montessori-Da Vinci Institute, Porretta Terme Town Hall, Cultural Association “Nuèter“ and Marconi Foundation











David Sarnoffsarnoff

Marconi was the creator of the present day civilization of the radio. All of those who, with spirit of initiative and perseverance, have brought us to the present stage of development have built on the foundations laid by Marconi. Everyone considered him the tutelary genius of their work.



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