January 28th, 2010 Chamber of Deputies, Sala della Lupa GUGLIELMO MARCONI ENTREPRENEUR Opening Gianfranco Fini, President of the Chamber of Deputies Thinking the innovation process in a period of crisis Valerio Zingarelli, CEO Babelgum TV – Scientific Committee of the Ugo Bordoni Foundation Cesare Avenia, Ericsson Paolo Romani, Vice Minister of Economic Development – Communications Regulated policies in support of innovation - Entrepreneurship and Politics between research and finance Rocco Buttiglione, Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies Daniele Manca, Vice Director of the Corriere della Sera Nicola D'Angelo, Autorità per le Garnzie nelle Comunicazioni The radio as entrepreneurship Antonio Preziosi, RadioRai Regional funds to support innovation Lucia Baire, Sardinia Regional Autorithy A cooperation model for entrepreneurship Mario Frullone, Research Director of the Ugo Bordoni Foundation Richard Boly, Director of the Office of eDiplomacy, US Department of State
Events dedicated to the study of Marconi organised by the Ugo Bordoni Foundation