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Marconi Entrepreneur

January 28th, 2010

Chamber of Deputies, Sala della Lupa
Piazza di Montecitorio, Rome



Gianfranco Fini, President of the Chamber of Deputies
Enrico Manca, President of the Ugo Bordoni Foundation

Thinking the innovation process in a period of crisis

Valerio Zingarelli, CEO Babelgum TV – Scientific Committee of the Ugo Bordoni Foundation
Luca De Biase, Director of Nòva - ilSole24ore

Cesare Avenia, Ericsson
Oscar Cicchetti, Telecom
Bianca Maria Martinelli, Vodafone
Luigi Gubitosi, Wind
Stefano Lorenzi, Alcatel-Lucent
Antonio Marano, Rai
Mauro Moretti, Ferrovie dello Stato
Vincenzo Novari, 3 Italia
Stefano Parisi, Fastweb
Massimo Sarmi, Poste Italiane
Giuseppe Virgilio, Telespazio

Paolo Romani, Vice Minister of Economic Development – Communications

Regulated policies in support of innovation - Entrepreneurship and Politics between research and finance

Rocco Buttiglione, Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies

Daniele Manca, Vice Director of the Corriere della Sera

Nicola D'Angelo, Autorità per le Garnzie nelle Comunicazioni
Antonio Pilati, Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato
Manuela Arata, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Giampio Bracchi, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano ed AIFI
Massimo Ponzellini, Banca Popolare di Milano
Sandro Angeletti, Intesa Sanpaolo

The radio as entrepreneurship

Antonio Preziosi, RadioRai

Regional funds to support innovation

Lucia Baire, Sardinia Regional Autorithy
Esterino Montino, Lazio Regional Autorithy

A cooperation model for entrepreneurship

Mario Frullone, Research Director of the Ugo Bordoni Foundation

Richard Boly, Director of the Office of eDiplomacy, US Department of State
Giandomenico Magliano, Director General for Multilateral Economic and Financial Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Deepak Lal, James Coleman Professor of International Development Studies, University of California, Los Angeles


Events dedicated to the study of Marconi organised by the Ugo Bordoni Foundation 








David Sarnoffsarnoff

Marconi was the creator of the present day civilization of the radio. All of those who, with spirit of initiative and perseverance, have brought us to the present stage of development have built on the foundations laid by Marconi. Everyone considered him the tutelary genius of their work.



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