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La natura della creatività

Federico Faggin
Giornata di Marconi
25 aprile 2018


La seconda rivoluzione del wireless

Gabriele Falciasecca
Giornata di Marconi
25 aprile 2018


The three great integrations in the Information Communication Tech sector: the birth of the Infosphere

Lectio magistralis, professor Gabriele Falciasecca
Scuola di Ingegneria, Bologna
November 13th, 2015

[part two]
[part three]


Marconi Sympoisum

MIC Conference, Marconi Prize
Unindustria, Bologna
October 1st, 2013


Il salvataggio del Republic (The rescue of the Republic)

The Marconi-man Jack Binns gives an account of the shipwreck of the ocean liner Republic (1909) and the first successful use of the wireless at sea.
Directed by: Michele Rigoni
Production: Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi - ZonaUno


The strange duo
A trip in the mobile phone system

Gabriele Falciasecca explains to a phone how it was made and how it works.
Directed by Tobia Repossi
Production: Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi - ZonaUno

La comunicazione a distanza (Long distance communication)

A father and son at Villa Griffone: general instructions on how to use the educational kit distributed in the middle schools of the Emilia-Romagna region.
Direceted by: Mario Giorgi
Production: Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi - Museo Patrimonio Industriale - LepidaTV

See also LepidaTV


Anche voi siete antenne (You are an antenna too)

A satellite dish detects the electromagnetic energy radiated by the human body.
Production: Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi - ZonaUno

See also Radiometer


Il colpo (The shot, trailer)

Among the sounds and colors of the countryside, Marconi and his assistants meticulously prepare an experiment never attempted before, waiting for a gunshot to confirm its success. Directed by: Raffaele Manco
Production: Eurovideo


Il mago delle onde (The wizard of the waves, trailer)

A docu-film on Marconi's early experiences tha led him to his great invention.
Directed by: Alessandro Giupponi
Production: Europromex - Istituto Luce


Making Waves

Documentary to mark the 100th anniversary of Marconi's first public demonstration of the principles of wireless communication, recreating the experiment from Newfoundland.
Directed by: Michael Clifford
Production: BBC





Paolo Fabbrifabbri

I'd like to say that we reread Marconi beginning with the future. Speaking of Mc Luhan, we reread the present in the past; speaking instead about real time of electronics, we reread the past beginning with the future. The correct interpretation is that the future, through the present, moves towards the past. This is a new concept for humanity.



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