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2009 Events

December 19th, Arezzo, Museo dei Mezzi di Comunicazione: Marconi Nobel Prize Winner weblink

December 19th, Bologna, Palazzo d'Accursio, Cappella Farnese: Radio Ritmo weblink

December 18th, Osimo (Ancona), IPSIA M. Laeng: Marconi Nobel Prize first centenary weblink

December 15th, Bologna, Sala Borsa, Auditorium Biagi: Un Nobel senza fili weblink

December 12th, Bologna, Cinema Lumière: A Wireless Pioneer weblink

December 11th, Rome, Protomoteca del Campidoglio: Radio, Nobel Prize, and the 100 years that changed the world weblink

December 10th-January 10th (2010), Bologna, Palazzo d'Accursio: Guglielmo Marconi Nobel Prize Winner 1909-2009 pdf_button

December 10th-13th, Bologna, Teatro Dehon: Postcards from Pontecchio Marconi weblink

December 10th, Pontecchio, Mausoleo Marconi: Completion of the restoration works weblink

Dcember 4th, Stockholm, Tekniska Museet: A Wireless World weblink

December 3rd, Bruxelles, Espace Monte Paschi: Wireless, Telecommunication, Space weblink

November 23rd, London, The Institute of Physics: Our wireless world weblink

November 21st-29th, Pescara, Istituto G. Marconi: Marconi and Science weblink

November 14th-28th, Bologna, Palazzo d'Accursio: Marconi Art Prize weblink

November 13th-14th, San Fior e Codognè (Treviso): Radio e cultura di Marca weblink

November 10th, Monaco, Théâtre des Variétés: Once upon the time the radio weblink

November 9th, Rome, Biblioteca del Senato: The future challenges of Telecommunications weblink

November 9th, Stockholm, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences: International radio symposium weblink

November 7th-15th, Castel Maggiore, Teatro Biagi-D'Antona: Antique radio exhibition weblink

October 31st, Porretta Terme, Polo Scolastico: Following Guglielmo Marconi weblink

October 31st, Bologna, Arcoveggio Racecourse: Victory Cup weblink

October 24th, Bologna, Aula Absidale Santa Lucia: History Week weblink

October 23rd, Bologna, Faculty of Engineering: History of Telecommunications weblink

October 19th-20th, Toronto, Italian Cultural Institute: From Galileo to Poldhu and beyond weblink

October 10th: Giro dell'Emilia (bicycle race) weblink

October 8th-9th, Bologna, Auditorium Biagi-Oratorio San Filippo Neri: Marconi Symposium weblink

October 2nd-December 20th, Pavia, Museum of Electrical Technology: Wireless communications weblink

September 30th, Rome, New Fair: European Microwave Week weblink

September 28th, Bari, Politecnico Institute: From Poldhu to Voyager and Hubble weblink

September 26th, Venice, Giorgio Cini Foundation: Galileo's worlds weblink

September 25th, Bologna, Palazzo Gnudi: How Guglielmo Marconi and Technical Culture have changed the world weblink

September 24th-27th, Cattolica, Porto Canale: Sailing Regatta weblink

September 20th, Bologna, Museo Civico Medievale-Oratorio San Filippo Neri: Punto9 weblink

August 12th, Bologna, Archiginnasio: Guglielmo Marconi Legacy weblink

August 9th-Septemer 27th, Bologna-Pontecchio-Bologna: Marconi's Rays weblink

August 8th, 14th, Cortina: Cortina remembers Marconi weblink

July 17th-22nd, Bologna, Piazza Maggiore: Under the Movie Stars weblink

July 15th, Cork, Ireland, University College: PRIME 2009 weblink

July 10th-12th, Lugo di Romagna, Villa San Martino Airport: Open Fly Meeting weblink

June 23rd-July 30th, Bologna: Trambus Open weblink

June 16th, Bologna, Faculty of Engineering: Tesla, Marconi, and the Race to Develop Wireless Technology weblink

June 13th-28th, Sanremo, Villa Nobel: Marconi and the Radio weblink

June 7th-14th, Borgo Malanotte (Treviso): From Meucci to Marconi weblink

June 2nd, Montreux, Swiss Museum of Sound and Image: Italian Republic Day Reception weblink

May 23rd, Bologna/Rai Sport: Bologna Three Centenaries weblink

May 22nd-October 31st, Parma, House of Sound/House of Music: Marconi 100 years after the Nobel Prize weblink

May 20th, Zecca dello Stato: Commemorative coins weblink

May 18th-30th, Budapest, Catholic University Péter Pázmány: Italian Festival weblink

May 14th, Sasso Marconi, Ca' Vecchia: Next Generation Network pdf_button

May 9th-17th, Sasso Marconi: Radio Days pdf_button

April 27th-28th, Bologna, R. Accademia Filarmonica: Marconi Galaxy. Technology, Cultural Models, Mith-making weblink

April 25th, Pontecchio, Villa Griffone: Marconi Day weblink

April 22nd-24th, Bologna, Palazzo Re Enzo: The Guglielmo Marconi ICT Global Forum and Exhibition weblink

March 28th-April 13th, Candelo (Biella): A Nobel Teacher weblink

March 27th, Pontecchio, Villa Griffone: The Swedish Royal Family visits the Marconi Museum weblink

March 26th-29th, Bologna, Duse Theater: Radio Man weblink

March 18th, Bologna, Liceo Renzi: Francesco Paresce. A Lecture weblink

March 12th-22nd, Bologna, Palazzo Re Enzo: La Scienza in Piazza weblink

March 8th, Porretta Terme-Castelluccio: On Marconi's Tracks weblink

March 4th, Bologna, Residenza Studi Superiori: Weathering the process weblink

February 11th-18th, Rome, Museum of Musical Instruments: From the Telegraph to the Satellite. The Nobel Prize to Marconi weblink



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