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Following the celebrations of the 90 years from its foundation in 1923, the Liceo Righi in Bologna and the Marconi Foundation organized from February to April 2014 a scientific-historical workshop for the students of the last three years. The workshop dealt with the relations between the two famous Bolognese physicists, Augusto Righi and Guglielmo Marconi, and focused on the analysis of the Righi Collection, preserved at the Marconi Foundation.

The workshop was coordinated by professor Elisabetta Golinelli and Barbara Valotti. Mario Giorgi was the students’ tutor during the project, while Maurizio Bigazzi worked as a technical consultant for the devices created by the two scientists.

The meetings took place part at the Liceo Righi and part at Villa Griffone.

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The activity was mainly focused on examining the various newspaper articles belonging to the Collection. Such articles and clippings had all been selected, preserved and sometime annotated by Augusto Righi himself , and later on by his son Aldo.

At first such material was briefly divided in “entries”, afterwards it was compared with other sources of the period and with the relevant critical writings, it was then evaluated and selected, and finally organized in the following subjects:

•    Righi and Marconi biographical notes
•    Righi’s scientific work and its importance
•    Righi presumed as Marconi’s teacher
•    Righi funeral honours
•    Pure science vs. applied science

All these subjects were inevitably seen through the lenses of the Italian and foreign press of the period.

Divided in subgroups, the students analyzed the various subjects in details and prepared a final presentation including a choice of materials (photographs and scans) and full of data, annotations and remarks, which was illustrated by all students in turn. 

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The workshop ended on Saturday 12 April, with a public conference at the Liceo Righi Lecture Hall. The students presented the results of their work, which in the end was welcomed by Gabriele Falciasecca as a positive model to be used on future occasions.

The students involved in the project were Tommaso Branzaglia, Federico Brunello, Ulisse Caputo, Filippo Frabetti, Alessandro Fusco, Matteo Lanzarini, Francesco Pipi, Michele Proni, Michele Raspanti, Federico Rinaldi, Riccardo Tinti.



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