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Marconi Museum

visits: Sunday at 10 am
working days on reservation
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Headquarters: Guglielmo Marconi Foundation, via de’ Celestini 1, 40037 Sasso Marconi (Bologna)

Admission on reservation, Monday-Friday.

For contact and information: 051 846121 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Services: photo reproduction, information, guidance, reading room.


Consultation on site only, no materials can be taken out on loan.














The Library at Villa Griffone currently contains circa 4,000 books and 2,500 periodicals.

Most of the publications (2,500 books and as many periodicals) come from the Soresini collection, lovingly preserved for over half a century by the Engineer Franco Soresini, an expert and enthusiast of the Radio, Telecommunications and Information Technology.

The library contains publications on electricity which go from the 18th century to the 20th century (up until the 1980's). Soresini’s tireless research and consistent collecting allowed him to build up a body of work of considerable interest. If we take a chronological look at these publications we can find works which examine the experiments of Galvani, Volta, Righi and Marconi to name but a few. There are also works describing the theories of Maxwell, Hertz, Righi and others.

The books included in this time span, often rare finds, bear witness to the development of the early technologies used in electric communications, from the wire telegraph to the wireless telegraph, and then on to the telephone, to the radiotelegraph, to radio broadcasting etc.

In the 20th century, as research and applications progressed, there was an increasing diversification in the fields of electric communication. This is evident by the continual increase of bibliographic material published. The Soresini collection reflects this development and includes the most important works relative to the new themes, without wholly including all of the relative technologies produced in specialist and applicational fields. The library therefore contains the most significant books and periodicals of new technologies in both military and civilian communications.

Soresini collection sections:

  1. Radio
  2. Elettricità
  3. Elettronica
  4. Telegrafia
  5. Telefonia
  6. Trasmissione immagini
  7. Telecomunicazioni
  8. Calcolo automatico - Informatica
  9. Militaria
  10. Poste
  11. Varie

Another considerable contribution – in the process of being catalogued – comes from the Aldo Graffi collection, donated in 2008 to the Marconi Foundation by prof. Sergio Graffi, son of prof. Aldo Graffi (1899-1974), former Mathematics & Physics teacher at Liceo Scientifico Augusto Righi, Bologna.

This corpus consists in over 1,000 books concerning different scientific areas. Works pertaining to mathematics and geometry prevail, but there is also a wide selection on physics, electrical engineering, electronics and telecommunications, atomic and nuclear energy, as well as chemistry and astronomy. Lastly, there are numerous publications on general science and a series of monographs on scientists.





© 2013 - Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi - Villa Griffone - via Celestini 1 - 40037 Pontecchio Marconi (BO) - C.F 80063250379

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