Friday, the 13th of November, at five pm, at the Aula Magna of School of Engineering at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (Risorgimento Avenue 2), Gabriele Falciasecca, once having finished his didactic activity as an ordinary professor, he will salute those who will want to come listen, one more time, to his lecture titled: THE THREE GREAT INTEGRATIONS IN THE SECTOR OF INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY: THE BEGGINING OF THE INFOSPHERE meaning
The lecture is inserted in the program of Conferences of the School of Engineering at Alma Mater. Since the '90 of the previous century a series of applications have been developed in the ICT (Information and Communication Technology) world, applications that had been thought of in years past, that due to their mass circulation, they have radically changed the way we live. To analyze what has happened a series of metaphors have been introduced, mostly related to commercial aspects, that, maybe intentionally, do not grasp the complexity of the phenomenon.
Considering an article I wrote in the far 1992, I will introduce a description of the various tendencies that have risen through the definition of three big supplements, with the term changed from physics, supplements that render the interpretation of what has happened possible.
In the end this will bring us to the concepts of infosphere, that in the meaning intended here, intertwines with the biosphere, kingdom of the living organisms. The info-sphere is a part of our habitat and it is made up of what is natural and what have been artificially introduced by technology, from the moment man kind populated earth.
If the trends descripted continue, and it seems so for the next twenty years or so, maybe we are all on a journey towards the last Thule, the promised land or a nightmare, we will see.