November 14th-28th, 2009 Exhibition of the Artists Winners of the G.M. Art Prize from 1988 to 2009. Organised by Claudio Cerritelli and Bartolomeo De Gioia.
Comune di Bologna, Circolo Artistico di Bologna, Comitato Marconi Centenario Nobel, Provincia di Bologna, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna
For over thirty years a series of events organised by A.R.T. (Associazione Radiantistica Trevigiana) have involved over a fourth of the communities in the Province of Treviso as well as other areas of the Triveneto, Emilia Romagna and Tuscany. RADIO E CULTURA DI MARCA (The Top of Radio and Culture) is involved in communicating and conveying the history and fascination of the discoveries pertaining to the wireless world and to its inventor Guglielmo Marconi.
This year Galileo Galilei has also been celebrated, 400 years since the first telescope was used to observe the universe just a few kilometres from the event location, and precisely in Padua. Since its beginning, the winning card of these events has been their alliance with volunteers and their focus on solidarity. All the streets, squares and towns where the events take place, have become over the years, and continue to be, the perfect sites to promote the beauties and products of the Trevigian territory. November 13th, 2009 “Radio e cultura di Marca”
presented by: Luigi Bacialli (director of Rete Veneta) Prof. Francesco Paresce (astronomer) in International Video connection:
“From Galileo Galilei to Guglielmo Marconi”
“From the earth to the sky: 40th anniversary of man landing on the Moon”
Presentation of the Marconian Calendar 2010
inspired by an idea of Gianni Miraval: “An antenna for everyone”
life and history of independent radio stations in the Province of Treviso from the 70's till today narrated through the Flavio Vendramini collection - drawings by Ivan Toninato and written work by Giuseppe Corba
Award Ceremony Bravissimo 2009
Praiseworthy Students of the San Fior Community
Award Ceremony Coherence Prize 2010
November 14th, 2009 “Radio e cultura di Marca” in the world of education
from Galileo Galilei to Guglielmo Marconi
in collaboration with the Istituto Comprensivo di Codognè
Prof. Francesco Paresce (astronomer)
“400° Galileo Galilei”
International Year of Astronomy
40th anniversary of man landing on the Moon
Presentation of the Marconian Calendar 2010
Exhibition of new generation static equipment
7th Regiment Transmissions from Sacile
Balloon launch with messages dedicated to Galileo Galilei and Guglielmo Marconi
organised by Associazione Radiantistica Trevigiana
November 10th, 2009 Celebrating the Centenary of the Guglielmo Marconi Nobel Prize for Physics ONCE UPON A TIME THE RADIO Transmission Radio télégraphique, fusion sociale, éducative et culturelle. Et maintenant? (conférence)
Guglielmo Marconi, homme, mari et père (vidéos et témoignages inédits) With Marina Como (Journaliste RAI 1), Bernard Spindler (ex-directeur RMC), Luisella Berrino et Maurizio di Maggio (Journalistes RMC), Awana Gana, Monsieur Gabriele Falciasecca, Président de la Fondation Marconi de Pontecchio (BO), Madame Barbara Valotti, Directrice du Museo Guglielmo Marconi de Pontecchio (BO). Egalement présente Elettra Marconi Giovanelli.
Convegno Quadrato della Radio LA LARGA BANDA IN ITALIA
Stato e Prospettive
10.30 Indirizzo di saluto: Gabriele Falciasecca (Presidente Fondazione Marconi)
10.40 Benvenuto: Stefano Ciccotti (A.D. Raiway e Presidente Q.d.R.)
10.50 Introduzione ai temi della giornata: Sandro Dionisi (Dir. Global Advisory Services, Telecom Italia)
La Strategia Italiana per la Banda Ultralarga. Come sta evolvendo?
11.00 Salvo Lombardo (Dir. Gen. Infratel)
11.20 Sandro Dionisi (Dir. Global Advisory Services, Telecom Italia)
11.40 Guido Garrone (A.D. Metroweb Sviluppo)
12.00 Gianluca Mazzini ( A.D. Lepida)
12.20 Giancarlo Bellino (A.D. Alpitel)
Il 5 G
12.40 Giovanni E. Corazza (Prof. Ord. Università di Bologna)
Revisione del piano della UE per la Banda Ultra Larga (2016-2025)
13.00 Paolo Lupi (Dirigente Serv. Economico Statistico Agcom)
13.20 - 14.30 Intervallo pranzo
14.30 Tavola rotonda aperta
Coordina Gildo Campesato (Dir. Resp. Cor.Com)
16.00 Assemblea del Quadrato della Radio
October 24th, 2009 History Week 2009 Presenting the 10th Quaderno of the Maestre Pie Schools
Music, lyrics and dances from the musical Signori, lo spettacolo sta per cominciare! (Ladies and Gentlemen, the show is going to start!) by Tania Bellanca, interpreted by the students of the Liceo Renzi and the Maestre Pie School with the participation of Prof. Francesco Paresce, who briefly explained the features and functions of the Hubble telescope.
Event organised under the patronage of the Italian Ministry of Education and the Marconi Foundation. |
October 31st 2009 VICTORY CUP - GRAN PREMIO DELLA VITTORIA On the centenary celebrations for the Physics Nobel Prize award to Guglielmo Marconi horse racing has decided to pay its tribute to the scientist. This year the famous Victory Cup (Gran Premio della Vittoria), an important trotting race, was in fact dedicated to the illustrious Bolognese citizen. One of the races was named after the town of Sasso Marconi. The winner Nerviano, a racehorse owned by Borsari stable, was awarded by mayor Stefano Mazzetti a marconian silver medal offered by the G. Marconi Philatelic Club. Sasso Marconi Town Hall organised a buffet of local delicatessen (wine, olive oil and elderberry syrup) which was served near the course. Information flyers on Sasso Marconi events were distributed at the venue. |
Marco Palmieri (PiQuadro Spa). Innovation in communications to create a worldwide successful business.
Francesco Papi (Filatura Papi Fabio Spa). 120 years of history. Gabriele Pierotti (Metalcastello Spa). World leader in the engineering industry. Giorgia Vitali (Salumificio Vitali Spa). Innovation to safeguard the environment and nature.
Fabio Falzea (Microsoft Italy). Mobile Communications and innovation.
Announcement of the competition “Percorsi marconiani” (“Marconian Paths”), promoted and sponsored by the Lions Club Porretta Terme–High Rhine. The competition is addressed to the students of the Montessori-Da Vinci Institute.
organised by the Lions Club Porretta Terme–High Rhine |
November 7th to 15th, 2009 Biagi D’Antona Theatre, Castel Maggiore (Bo)The Consulta Culturale, the Philatelic Club Kastellano, Italian Association of the Antique Radio presented ANTIQUE RADIO EXHIBITION AND FAITHFUL REPRODUCTIONS OF THE FIRST MARCONIAN EQUIPMENT, GUIDED VISITS, VISUAL DOCUMENTS Saturday, November 7th Arturo Stalteri in concert. Followed by a brief discussion between Arturo Stalteri and Roberto Grandi on the theme “Communicating through the radio” and presentation of the exhibition. Sunday, November 8th Guided visits. Tuesday the 10th , Wednesday the 11th and Thursday the 12th Meetings and guided visits for schools. Sunday, November 15th Life and work of Guglielmo Marconi – Screening of the documentary and guided visit. Radio America, film by Robert Altman with Woody Harrelson, Meryl Streep, Kevin Kline. |
November 9th, 2009 INTERNATIONAL RADIO SYMPOSIUM On November 9th, 1909, the Royal Academy of Sciences (RSAS) decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics to Karl Ferdinand Braun and Guglielmo Marconi for their contributions to the development of wireless telegraphy.
ancient and modern radio equipment on show
The symposium was arranged by the Swedish National Committee of URSI (Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale) at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
October 23rd, 2009 A HISTORY OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS The Commission for the History of Engineering within the Deans Conference has decided to launch a series of workshops on the history of engineering, in order to produce a complete work on the history of technology in Italy.
The second workshop of such series, on the History of Telecommunications, was held in Bologna. The speakers, mainly engineers and historians, came from Italian universities and industries. The different aspects of the History of Telecommunications in the last two centuries was taken into consideration: history of the ideas, birth and growth of the telecommunication industry, impact on university, economic and social aspects. A particular focus was given to the Marconi (1909-2009) and Meucci (1808-2008) celebrations.
October 19th-20th, 2009 On the occasion of the IX edition of the “Italian Language in the World Week”, the Italian Cultural Institute, in collaboration with the University of Western Ontario has presented the conference FROM GALILEO TO POLDHU AND BEYOND
Science of the universe on the centenary of Guglielmo Marconi’s Nobel Prize award
by Prof. Francesco Paresce (National Institute of Astrophysics - Bologna)
Monday October 19th at the Italian Cultural Institute - Toronto
Tuesday October 20th at the University of Western Ontario - London, Ontario
The first space physics experiment by means of radio waves was carried out by Guglielmo Marconi in December 1901 by sending a radio signal from Poldhu in Cornwall, England, that was received across the Atlantic Ocean in St. Johns, Newfoundland. This experiment, deemed impossible by experts of the time, launched the telecommunications industry and proved the existence of the earth’s ionosphere in one fell swoop. Spectacular progress since then in the cost and efficiency of wireless communication has allowed us today to communicate through satellites and space probes all the way to the edge of the solar system and to receive a large amount of extremely significant scientific information about the universe around us.
In his talk, Paresce has briefly summarized the development of research in this area from the first experiments by Marconi for which he was awarded the physics Nobel Prize in 1909 to the fascinating discoveries of modern space science obtained by space probes and satellites like the Hubble Space Telescope.
All this, Paresce has remembered, was made possible by the strong intuition and tenacity of a man determined to communicate without wires throughout space in the best Galilean tradition of continuous attempts (provando e riprovando).
October 10th, 2009 This year the Giro dell'Emilia – Granarolo, 100 years old, has ideally associating its own centenary to that of the Guglielmo Marconi Nobel Prize. Tuesday, September 8th, a press conference on the Giro was held at Villa Griffone, Pontecchio Marconi. The 92nd GIRO DELL'EMILIA - GRANAROLO was run on Saturday, October 10th. A race stage near Villa Griffone was dedicated to Guglielmo Marconi.
October 8th, 2009 YOUNG SCHOLAR WORKSHOP The five Young Scholar award winners are: Sébastien Soudan, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon; Marco Papaleo, University of Bologna; Eric Plum, Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC), University of Southampton; Eitan Yaakobi, University of California at San Diego’s Jacobs School of Engineering; and Felix Gutierrez, Jr., University of Texas, Austin.
October 9th, 2009 MARCONI SYMPOSIUM This year's Marconi prize goes to Andrew Chraplyvy and Robert Tkach, a pair of Bell Labs scientists whose work on fiber optic nonlinearities led to vastly increased broadband capacity in the world’s communications networks.
© 2013 - Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi - Villa Griffone - via Celestini 1 - 40037 Pontecchio Marconi (BO) - C.F 80063250379