Vince il Premio Marconi Junior 2012Davide Comite - Università Roma La Sapienza, con la tesi di laurea "Studio numerico e sperimentale dello scattering in sistemi GPR" (relatore: Prof. Alessandro Galli) Gli altri finalisti erano (in ordine di graduatoria)Luca Di Palma - Università Roma Tre: "Progetto di componenti a microonde caricati con metamateriali" (relatore: Prof. Filiberto Bilotti) Stefania Bartoletti - Università Ferrara: "Passive Detection and Tracking: System Design and Performance Evaluation" (relatore: Prof. Andrea Conti) Vincenzo Zambianchi - Università Cesena: "Zero-Power Wireless Communications for Sensor Networks" (relatore: Prof. Davide Dardari) Giovanna Campogiani - Università Roma La Sapienza: "Sintonizzazione di una cavità accelerante in Banda C / Tuning of a C-Band accelerating cavity" (relatore: Prof. Luigi Palumbo) Andrea Michel - Università Pisa: "Antenne integrate in sistemi di comunicazione autonomi alimentati con pannelli fotovoltaici" (relatore: Prof. Paolo Nepa)
The Award is ideally connected to the “Guglielmo Marconi” International Award of Painting, Sculpture and Electronic Art, whose inheritance it carries on, by extending its focus on non artistic fields. Created by the Marconi Institute for Creativity – Guglielmo Marconi Foundation, it benefits from the patronage of the University of Bologna and the Rotary Club – District 2072. The award ceremony takes place on the annual occasion of the Marcony Day. The award was given to
The Business Performance Prize, promoted by the town of Sasso Marconi (Department of Productive Activities) and the Guglielmo Marconi Foundation (in collaboration with the industry, crafts and trade associations) is awarded during the Radio Days in Sasso Marconi to the local productive activities that best interpret the Marconian vision of taking an idea from its conception and developing it into a business. The companies that have been recognized in the past are those which were best able to spread the Sasso Marconi name outside of the territory thanks to the research, development and application of their projects, products, creativity and patents. 2008 – Ristorante Marconi 2009 – Imball 2010 – Marpol Fr 2011 – Sismec (+ Radio Days Special Prize 2011 to Marco Pavignani of Plastica Marconi) 2012 – Techno GF
Motivation of the award 2012 A Techno GF, research activities and production of industrial automations for energetic savings and, particularly, in the sector of barriers that obstruct the sun light. The products developed by Techno GF allow to optimize the exposition of sun light from old and new buildings, increasing interesting opportunities of costruction requalification. The activity of start up of Sasso Marconi, born into the meeting of different local business experiences in the sector of automations, introduced in an area that is growing fast and in equal level whit the actual necessity of energetic and area safeguard. The strengthened know-how and the developing and researching work set up with the Bologna University introducing the Techno GF as an environment consultant for town planner and planning studies, helping the diffusion of paperwork in the residential costruction and productive activity.
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