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Marconi Museum

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L'elettroforo fu inventato da Alessandro Volta nel 1775.

Secondo il suo inventore, l'elettroforo forniva un'utile alternativa alle macchine elettrostatiche in quanto una volta strofinata la schiacciata (la base resinosa dell'elettroforo) bastava semplicemente alzare ed abbassare lo scudo per ottenere cariche elettriche. Per questo motivo, Volta riteneva che l'elettroforo fosse una macchina perpetua.

Volta descrisse la sua invenzione in una lettera a Joseph Priestley datata 10 giugno 1775.

Consapevole della lentezza con cui le cariche elettriche venivano rese disponibili dall'elettroforo, Volta propose un meccanismo per automatizzare e velocizzare sia il processo di carica dello scudo che di rilascio delle cariche.

Nella stessa lettera Volta descrisse diversi modelli di elettroforo, alcuni portatili, altri molto grandi, in modo da rispondere ad esigenze sperimentali diverse.










Welcome to the fascinating world of experiments of the young Marconi! Retracing back that period of his life, he defined himself as an enthusiast and dilettante student of electricity who trained himself with private lessons and much reading. In particular, he was an avid reader of the magazine "L’Elettricità" (Electricity) between 1891 and 1895. We've selected some of the topics which captivated him most and we invite you to “play” along, just as that young dilettante of electricity did!




















The peaceful revolution in radiocommunications is one of the most extraordinary changes at the origin of contemporary society. Guglielmo Marconi was the initiator of that revolution and its main protagonist both in the late 1800's – in the pioneering phase – and in the phase of advanced development, until the eve of the second world war. Radio technologies had a gradual and complex development and much research was carried out beginning with the enunciation of Maxwell's famous theory and the fundamental experimental confirmation given by Hertz.

Guglielmo Marconi brought electromagnetic waves outside of the laboratory and sent radio messages (composed of dots and lines) at increasingly greater distances. During the course of his long career – of inventor and entrepreneur – he collaborated in the fundamental developments in the sector of radiocommunications, first and foremost with the invention of radio transmission and the success of radio broadcasting.

In the contemporary world the indispensable presence of the radio in all social and personal areas represents a challenge for the century that has just begun, in which information and communication technology play a fundamental role. This trajectory has served as a guide for the planning of the greater part of this section, which has the objective of giving an overview of the transmission of information through the use of electromagnetic waves, beginning with the evolution of a scientific knowledge that has become heritage of the past century, to the most recent developments of wireless technologies. This section offers technical-scientific contents, suggestions for an in-depth examination with an interdisciplinary prospective and work tools in the English language.

A Selection of English Texts








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