Following the celebrations for the 90th anniversary of its foundation in 1923, the Liceo Righi has organized together with the Marconi Foundation, an historical and scientific workshop for the students of the last three grades. The workshop, which will take place within February and April, recreates the relations between the two famous Bolognese physicists, Augusto Righi and Guglielmo Marconi, focusing on a collection of newspapers articles recently acquired by the Marconi Foundation. These articles and newspapers clippings were selected, preserved and sometimes annotated by Augusto Righi himself and after him by his son Aldo.The workshop, coordinated by Elisabetta Golinelli and Barbara Valotti, will be located part at the Liceo Righi and part at Villa Griffone, with the participation of Maurizio Bigazzi and Mario Giorgi.It will end with a public conference Saturday, 12 April, in the Liceo Righi lecture hall, where students will describe their work of research and recording.Liceo Righi Bologna
Friday, 21 February 2014, 6 pm
Wednesday, 15 January 2014 – RAI3: PANE QUOTIDIANO episode is dedicated to Guglielmo Marconi.Guest at the programme is Riccardo Chiaberge.To watch the episode: |
Wednesday, 13 November, at 4 pm: the Academy of Sciences host in the Ulysses Hall at its Institute in Bologna (via Zamboni 31) a meeting entitled “110 years after Guglielmo Marconi’s membership to the Academy of Sciences of Bologna Institute: a retrospective.” Three professors from the Alma Mater Studiorum - Leonardo Calandrino, Giorgio Dragoni and Gabriele Falciasecca – join the meeting. |
Rai Radio 1 Temporary transfer of the episode "Radio anch'io", that is broadcast from Villa Griffone, Pontecchio Marconi, the place where 115 years ago a still very young Guglielmo Marconi, passionate about electricity, conducted his first experiments which were destined to revolutionize the system of communications. The invention of the wireless and its successive applications are brought back to life through the accounts given by Marconi's daughter Elettra, his nephew Francesco Paresce, internationally renowned astrophysicist, the president of the CNR Luciano Maiani, the media export Peppino Ortoleva, the film director Alessandro Giupponi, the managing directors of the Marconi Foundation and Museum Gabriele Falciasecca and Barbara Valotti. Hosted by Ruggero Po.
On Friday March 30th, at 3:00 pm in the Sala Borsa – Biagi Auditorium (Piazza del Nettuno 3, Bologna), the meeting-conference “At the mercy of the waves (radio): catastrophe in the media – Old and new media one hundred years after the Titanic” took place, an event by which the Future Film Festival 2012, in collaboration with the Alma Mater Studiorum – Bologna University and the Guglielmo Marconi Foundation, pay a special tribute to the Titanic, in the year of its centenary, by taking into consideration the role played by the media with respect to great catastrophes. In particular, the meeting highlighted the manner by which dramatic events often undergo excessive media coverage, putting reality on display, showcased through the media's filter. Participants: Fulvia Caprara (La Stampa), Giampaolo Colletti (Federazione Media Digitali Indipendenti), Gabriele Falciasecca (Marconi Foundation), Paolo Granata (Bologna University), Elena Lamberti (Bologna University), Barbara Valotti (Marconi Museum).
Marconi Day, traditionally celebrated on April 25th (the scientist's birthday), was held this year on Saturday April 30th, both to avoid overlapping with the Easter festivities and to link the remembrance of Marconi to the prestigious awarding of the double milestone IEEE (April 29th). Welcoming address Gabriele Falciasecca, President of the Marconi Foundation
Marco Pondrelli, Councillor of Heritage, Education, Information Science and Sport of the Province of Bologna
Stefano Mazzetti, Mayor of Sasso Marconi
Emilio Ferrari, Pro-Rector University of Bologna
Presentation of the award “Marconist of the XXIst Century” Presentation of the International Prize for Painting, Sculpture and Electronic Art “Guglielmo Marconi”
in the presence of Elettra Marconi Giovanelli
In occasion of Santa Barbara in the world, the annual cultural event that takes place in Rieti to honor the venerated Patron Saint, on Saturday December 3rd at 10:00 a.m., in the Varrone Auditorium, the prize BRAVA BARBARA was awarded to Barbara Valotti, the director of the Marconi Museum who, following the ceremony, has hold the conference “Guglielmo Marconi, the pioneer of wireless”, a tribute to the history of Italian science and technology celebrating 150 years of Italy's unification.
Presso il Ristorante La Lampara, nello splendido scenario del porto di Cattolica, è stato presentato il volume fotografico "Attimi. Sulle tracce di Guglielmo Marconi", che propone una ricca galleria di scatti ad opera di Antonio Barbieri e alcuni contributi storico-rievocativi, tra cui "Guglielmo Marconi, uomo di mare". Ha introdotto l'incontro Luciano Volpi, promotore del volume e infaticabile organizzatore culturale. È quindi intervenuto il Sindaco, Piero Cecchini, annunciando che è in progetto a Cattolica un museo da dedicare alle radiocomunicazioni, proprio a partire dall'illustre pioniere Marconi e dal suo legame con la città di Cattolica. È stata poi la volta di Wilma Galluzzi, che ha ricordato due personaggi del territorio (Salvatore Galluzzi per la marineria, Augusto Gabellini per le auto) e ha raccontato in sintesi la lunga storia de La Lampara e della famiglia di Massimo Arduini. È infine intervenuta Barbara Valotti, che ha disegnato un ritratto del celebre inventore, rimarcandone l'indiscutibile vocazione marinara e le ripetute presenze in riviera (tanto che la Villa di Letizia Majani con il tempo è divenuta "Villa Marconi"). Un menu di prelibatezze concepito ad hoc per gli ospiti della Lampara ha concluso egregiamente la serata. Iniziativa promossa da Fondazione Marconi, Lions club, Banca Popolare Valconca, Avangard Look.
The Museum of the History of Bologna in Palazzo Pepoli Vecchio (via Castiglione, 8) was inaugurated on January 27th and opened to the public on Saturday, January 28th, in occasion of ArteFiera's Art White Night. In the heart of “Genus Bononiae”, Palazzo Pepoli, the Museum of the History of Bologna maps out a journey through Bologna's history, culture and transformations, from the Etruscan “Felsina” to the present day. A significant section has been dedicated to Guglielmo Marconi.
La trentaquattresima edizione di “Vulandra”, festival internazionale degli aquiloni, si è svolta da giovedì 25 a domenica 28 aprile 2013 nel parco urbano Bassani di Ferrara. Una delle novità proposte è stata la ricostruzione del primo collegamento radio transoceanico (dicembre 1901), a cura di ARI Fidenza e ARI Ferrara, con la consulenza di Fondazione Marconi. L’aquilone è stato ricostruito con materiali moderni ma secondo il modello originale e ha sollevato a circa 120 metri da terra un'antenna ricetrasmittente filare di 30 metri, per permettere di collegare il festival alle stazioni radioamatoriali di tutto il mondo.
On Thursday April 25th, at the Villa Griffone the traditional Marconi Day will be held.Starting from 10.45 am: scientific lectures, a book presentation, award ceremony for the 21st Century Marconisti.programme |
On Wednesday April 25th at Villa Griffone, the annual Marconi Day was held to commemorate the great Bolognese inventor on his birthday. Three scientific lectures were presented, the “Marconists of the XXIst Century” were nominated and the International Prize for Painting, Sculpture and Electronic Art, named after Marconi, was awarded.
David Sarnoff![]() |
Marconi was the creator of the present day civilization of the radio. All of those who, with spirit of initiative and perseverance, have brought us to the present stage of development have built on the foundations laid by Marconi. Everyone considered him the tutelary genius of their work. |
© 2013 - Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi - Villa Griffone - via Celestini 1 - 40037 Pontecchio Marconi (BO) - C.F 80063250379