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Repertoire of Events

Repertoire of Events

Building the Wireless Age

The worlds first Wireless and Telegraphy factory at Marconi's Hall Street works in Chelmsford Essex is hailed as the ‘birthplace of radio’. For the first time the building will open its doors the public for three months from Friday March 11, 2016.

Marconi Exhibition


Open 11th March to 29th May 2016

Every Sat & Sun. 11.00am - 3.00pm Free Entry

This modest building in Hall Street, Chelmsford, previously a silk factory and latterly Essex Water Company HQ, is in the midst of being converted into flats, but before that work is completed the developers are fulfilling a clause in planning agreement with Chelmsford City Council to open it to the public.

There were hopes that the building, which boasts two Blue Plaques, would become a science hub, with Marconi Science Worx raising awareness, but now the building will be converted into flats.
Chelmsford Civic Society is staging a free exhibition in collaboration with BBC Essex inviting keynote speakers to mark the contribution made by Hall Street.

The world’s first wireless factory was established by Marconi in 1898 and the great man was soon credited for saving lives at sea; but what brought his wireless wonder to worldwide attention was the Titanic disaster in 1912. It was a direct result of SOS messages saving so many survivors of the stricken Titanic.

The listed building in Hall Street, which is being converted into flats, was where parts of the ‘wi-fi’ equipment which helped save thousands of lives were made, until then Morse code was transmitted via undersea cables.

The free exhibition will be staged by Marconi Science WorX under the auspices of Chelmsford Civic Society and in collaboration with BBC Essex.

It will be open between 11th March to 29th May 2016 as part of an agreement between the developers who want to convert it into flats and Chelmsford City Council to allow the public limited access for three months.

Pam Swaby said: “Hall Street is the actual birthplace of radio and so its fitting that before it becomes flats that the public will get to see inside for the first and last time before its converted into flats. Thousands of lives were saved, not just on the Titanic but dozens of others ships, thanks to Morse Code equipment made in Hall Street, which also helped catch the wife-slayer Dr Crippen who tried to flee justice across the Atlantic with his mistress disguised as his son. We are thrilled that our first of nine keynote speakers, Tim Wander, Tim Maltin and Dr Liz Bruton will be explaining the significance of the Hall Street building in Marconi’s emerging new company right where history was made, plus, we have just had confirmation that Prof Danielle George, Ray Clark and Dave Monk of BBC Essex will also be speaking too”

Oyez Oyez - Tony Appleton, the Town Crier, will open the Marconi Exhibition to the public on Friday 11th March at 11.00 and Peter Turrall, Chairman of Marconi Veterans Association will be there to show visitors around until midday and to answer any questions.

Tim Wander, curator, Marconi historian, author - will speak on ‘Hall Street and Marconi: Building the Wireless Age’ on Fri 18th March at 7.00 tickets £5. Tim’s book ‘Marconi’s Hall Street Works: The World’s First Wireless Factory’ is made possible by a grant from Essex Heritage Trust with proceeds from book sales going towards the exhibition.
Dave Monk, BBC Essex well known broadcaster - will speak on ‘The BBC and Me and his life behind the Mic!’ on Fri 25th March at 7.00 FREE but please book both these talks on Eventbrite.
Ray Clark, broadcaster and author - Friday 1st April at 7.00 - All at Sea - the exciting story of offshore radio - ‘Radio Caroline’ the true story of the boat that rocked.

In May there will be a BIG BBC ESSEX WEEKEND and a double event by Prof Danielle George with permanent static displays throughout March, April and May courtesy of The International Marconi Museum, Pontecchio M. (Bologna), Essex Record Office, Tim Wander and much more.


opening ceremony






chelmsford factory

Meeting ARI Fidenza


14th edition

Sunday March 20th, 2016 – 9:30 a.m

Municipal Civil Room “ex Slaughterhouse”, via Mazzini 3, Fidenza (PR)

Marconi. The boy of the wireless

Barbara Valotti - Foundation and Marconi’s Museum
Biographical event and happening between science, thecnique and passion, tell in the last book (Hoepli edition) dedicated to the big scientis that at only twenty-three years old became famous allover the world.

“Wire-less”: the outset

Renzo Piana - Consultant Technical Marconi’s Museum
Observe in person any of the significant speciment of the Marconian’s machinery of the period and examine in depth the function and the ingenius tecniques solution.

Introduce: Mario Giorgi

During the course in the morning

Award cerimony of the participants at “Contest Province Italiane 50 Mhz”.



Generation of ideas

Villa Griffone, Pontecchio, Saturday the 5th of March 2016

Quadrato della Radio & Marconi Institute for Creativity


How to stimulate the creativity in a company
  • 11:00 am, Greets to the participants
  • 11:15 am, The problem of the firm innovation in the ICT world
  • 11:45 am, Generation of ideas: lessons assimilated from philosophy and science
  • 12:15 am, The science of the imaginative mindset
  • 1:00 pm, break
  • 2:30 pm, Methodical approaches to the generation of new ideas, practical application
  • 4:45 pm, Discussion
  • 5:00 pm, Conclusion

Course held by Professor Giovanni Emanuele Corazza














Marconi Institute for Creativity


Multidisciplinary contributions... (book)

Rome: Digital Age

Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana and Censis presents
An investigation about knowledge

11 february 2016, 10 a.m. - Palazzo Mattei di Paganica, Sala Igea, Piazza della Enciclopedia Italiana 4, Rome

The research aims to understand the effects of the digital revolution on cognitive styles,on forms of learning and the mechanisms of production and transmission of knowledge. Trought an original campionary research - a research about knowledge - it has been possible to measure the evolution of these phenomena, beyond the emphaticization and alarm screams fired by more parts, with the aim of achieving an effective and timely knowledge framework of what is changing.


  • Massimo Bray - Direttore Generale Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani
  • Giorgio De Rita - Segretario Generale Censis

Research presenter:

  • Massimiliano Valerii - Direttore Generale Censis

Talking about that:

  • Tullio De Mauro - Professore emerito Università Sapienza Roma
  • Carlo Freccero - Consigliere Rai
  • Riccardo Luna - Digital Champion



La trasmissione della cultura nellera digitale - 11.2.2016





2015 Events

9 dicembre, Bologna, Liceo Righi: Il mestiere dello scienziato weblink

21-28 novembre, La Spezia, Urban Center: La radio racconta la Guerra Fredda weblink

14 novembre, Pontecchio (BO), Villa Griffone: Il Quadrato della Radio weblink

13 novembre, Bologna, Scuola di Ingegneria: Le tre grandi integrazioni ITC weblink

24 ottobre, Torino, Museo della radio e della televisione: AIRE Piemonte weblink

20 ottobre, Londra, Royal Society: Marconi Society Symposium weblink

12-14 ottobre, Bologna, Royal Hoterl Carlton: KA Conference weblink

6 ottobre, Roma, Palazzo Velli: Tra telefono e radio weblink

18 settembre-18 ottobre, Modena, Palazzo Comunale: Io qui sottoscritto... weblink

5-8 settembre, Milano, Expo 2015: Viaggio virtuale sulle colline tra Bologna e Modena weblink

21 giugno, Forlì, Tennis Villa Carpena: Alle origini del wireless weblink

19 giugno, Roma, Palazzo Piacentini: Telecomunicazioni e intelligence nella Grande Guerra weblink

13 giugno, Arezzo, Museo dei Mezzi di Comunicazione: XXV anniversario AIRE weblink

7 giugno, Mombello (TO), Sala Polivalente: Da Newton a Marconi weblink

6-7 giugno, Pontecchio (BO), Villa Griffone: Elettra back on air! weblink

28 maggio, Ancona, Comando Marina Militare: Telegrafia nel Primo conflitto weblink

23 maggio, La Spezia, Circolo Ricreativo Dipendenti Difesa: Meeting CSMI weblink

15-24 maggio, Sasso Marconi (BO): Radio Days weblink

25 aprile, Pontecchio (BO), Villa Griffone: Giornata di Marconi weblink

18 aprile, Pieve di Cento (BO), Museo Magi 900: In diretta dal mare weblink

18 febbraio, Roma, Palazzo Mattei di Paganica: Le vite degli italiani weblink

13 febbraio-3 maggio, Ginevra, International Communication Union: mostra Marconi weblink

13 febbraio, Bologna, Circolo Ufficiali: Megliocosì - La radio pdf button

7 febbraio-31 marzo, Asolo (TV), Palazzo Beltramini: Da Marconi agli anni '60 weblink

7 febbraio, Bologna, Voltone del Podestà: Se dico Sole... weblink







FGM: assunzione custode

Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi

Il Consiglio Direttivo


visto lo Statuto della Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi;
visto il Regolamento del personale della Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi;
visto il Regolamento per l'assunzione del personale della Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi;
dichiara aperta la procedura di selezione per un'assunzione a tempo indeterminato presso la Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi per il seguente profilo:
Area B - Posizione economica B1 - CCNL Enti pubblici non economici
Funzione: Operatore di vigilanza, custode, guardiaparco.
Requisiti: diploma d'istruzione secondaria di secondo grado, esperienze di lavoro similari documentabili, referenze personali e familiari, disponibilità al trasferimento presso la sede della Fondazione del nucleo familiare, esperienza nella manutenzione di parchi e aree verdi, esperienza nell'uso di macchine agricole, possesso della patente B, disponibilità a svolgere le funzioni di custodia sulle 24 ore per sette giorni alla settimana, possibilità di essere sostituito da familiare in caso di momentanea impossibilità, capacità nello svolgere piccoli lavori di manutenzione di falegnameria, idraulica, muratura, capacità relazionale di base per fornire informazioni sul Museo Marconi, capacità di lavorare in team.
A titolo esemplificativo le mansioni richieste sono:
  • trasferimento del nucleo familiare presso i locali messi a disposizione dalla Fondazione all'interno di Villa Griffone;
  • vigilanza e custodia della Villa Griffone e pulizia ordinaria della stessa;
  • vigilanza, custodia e pulizia del Mausoleo e del parco;
  • interventi per apertura e chiusura dei locali, gestione impianti di illuminazione;
  • ispezioni notturne;
  • ritiro e consegna posta;
  • vigilanza impianti elettrici, acqua, riscaldamento;
  • ordinaria manutenzione del parco;
  • risposta al telefono nelle ore non di ufficio;
  • piccoli lavori di manutenzione di muratura, falegnameria, idraulica, ecc.
Gli interessati a partecipare alla selezione devono far pervenire l’apposita domanda, opportunamente compilata, con allegato il proprio curriculum vitae entro e non oltre le ore 12.00 del giorno 18/12/2015, a questo indirizzo email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. oppure al numero di fax 051846951.
La selezione avverrà sulla base della valutazione del curriculum vitae e di colloqui effettuati alla presenza della Commissione all'uopo nominata dal Consiglio Direttivo della Fondazione Marconi, colloqui durante i quali verranno verificati i requisiti, le attitudini e le motivazioni dei candidati. I risultati dei colloqui verranno resi noti su questo sito.

Pontecchio Marconi, 4 dicembre 2015

 NB: le selezione è conclusa e l'incarico è affidato (gennaio 2016)




VillaRetro Foto 2

Bologna: Craft Scientist

Bologna, Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Aula Magna of the Liceo Scientifico Augusto Righi, Viale Carlo Pepoli 3, 17:30
For the series of meetings organized by Il Mulino publishing house
Reading, writing and arithmetic. Tools for the XXI Century


Gabriele Falciasecca President of Guglielmo Marconi Foundation
talks to
Stefano Marmi Full Professor of Dynamical Systems at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa
Introduced and moderated by
Alessandro Vanoli


A comparison of two scientists talk about their experience of study and research, as always stressed the questions and proposals from the public.











righi mulino

Rai Radio2: talent Marconi

W GUGLIELMO MARCONI is the first and only radio 'talent',signed “il ruggito del coniglio”, that will allow passionate,curious and various begginers to become proper radio speakers at Radio2.

To celebrate the 20 years of the longest-running programme of Radio2, from 24th november, each tuesday, for eight weeks, at the “Ruggito del Coniglio”, the conductors Marco Presta and Antonello Dose will receive, in the studios at Asiago street, two competitors strictly under 35, who are going to challenge each other with various tests during the live radio show :from a radio report of an event by “surprise” to the point-blank commentary of a news reportage.The listeners and the fans will be able to comment on the programme's social networks and decide the winner of the battle between the two competitors, expressing their preferences through the coniglio.rai.it web site. In the Ruggito del Coniglio web site, furthermore, will be available the clips and the stories of all the competitors.

During march,after months of challenges on air, Dose and Presta will crown the winner, who will be prized with the involvement of his voice in the Radio2 programmes. A surprise, among the others, is scheduled during the special challenge: Nino Frassica, conductor of “Programmone del Weekend”, will be apart of W Guglielmo Marconi in an unique way. This special guest will confer to the talent show a “crossmedia” aspect all to discover... With W Guglielmo Marconi, dedicated to the famous inventor of the radio, Radio2 has been renewing the ways of fruition to the radio world, bringing ahead the public service's quality, which, through the merit, will allow the most talented participant to crown his dream.

podcast Il Ruggito del Coniglio









RuggitoConiglio WGM

La Spezia: Radio and Cold War


The propaganda between East and West

The exposition of NATO and URSS military radio apparatuses, installed by the association of the italian radio amateurs, division of La Spezia, with the sponsorship of the district of La Spezia.

La Spezia, Urban Center, 21-28 november 2015

Saturday the 21st : 5 pm Inauguration of the gallery with the exposition of the radio apparatuses, dating back to the Cold War, part of Giulio Bianchi's donation to the Musem of Radioelectronic and Telecomunications. To follow the Conference “Journey in the Cold War through the images”.

Tuesday the 24th : 5 pm Conference “From Yalta to the falls of the Berlin wall” by Patrizia Fattori, professor of history and philosophy at the Liceum T. Parentucelli in Sarzana.

Saturday the 28th : 5 pm For the exposition “It happens only in the library” with the partnership of other libraries, the presentation of the book Marconi. Il ragazzo del wireless (Hoepli 2015) in the presence of the author Barbara Valotti. Admiral Giuseppe Celeste, president of the Associazione Amici del Museo navale e della storia, intervenes.  











Convegno QdR

Sabato 14 novembre, presso Villa Griffone, si tiene il convegno del Quadrato della Radio, secondo il seguente programma:


10.30 - 10.40  Indirizzo saluto e introduzione al tema del convegno

   Stefano Ciccotti (Presidente Q.d.R. e A.D. Rai Way)
10.40 - 11.00  Buon anniversario Quadrato della Radio
   Gian Carlo Corazza (Presidente onorario del Q.d.R.)
11.00 - 11.30  Il Quadrato della Radio: quaranta anni dedicati allo sviluppo dell'ICT
   Cosmo Colavito (Q.d.R.)
11.30 - 11.50  Trend di mercato e flussi di capitali
   Fabio Pavan (TMT analisty, Mediobanca)
11.50 -12.30  Trend tecnologici:
- Il 5G
   Giovanni E. Corazza (Q.d.R. e Prof. Ordinario Università di Bologna)
- Piattaforme satellitari a banda ultra-larga e software defined
   Massimo Comparini (CTO Telespazio)
12.30 - 13.00  Perché il Quadrato della Radio è stata ed è un'associazione vincente e lo sarà anche nel futuro
   Stefano Ciccotti (Presidente Q.d.R. e A.D. Rai Way)
13.00 - 13.30  La radio nell’era digitale: presentazione del Quaderno di Confindustria Radio Televisioni
   Gianpiero Gamaleri (Q.d.R. e Preside Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione, Università UniNettuno)
13.30 - 15.00  Intervallo pranzo
15.00 - 16.00  Domande e discussione finale
16.00 - 17.00  Assemblea del Quadrato della Radio






David Sarnoffsarnoff

Marconi was the creator of the present day civilization of the radio. All of those who, with spirit of initiative and perseverance, have brought us to the present stage of development have built on the foundations laid by Marconi. Everyone considered him the tutelary genius of their work.



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